An Hour with the Author: Tan Twan Eng. A Global Penang Tale on Meaning and Marriage

By Dato’ Dr. Ooi Kee Beng

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Tan Twan Eng, one of Penang’s most famous authors today, was in town in July. He granted Penang Monthly an interview at the E&O Hotel, where some key scenes in his new book are played out.Ooi Kee Beng: Congratulations on the success of The House of Doors, Twan Eng. I imagine the experience of finishing a first book is very different from finishing a third, as a successful author.Tan Twan Eng: Well, in the process of writing a first book,...

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Dato’ Dr. Ooi Kee Beng

is the Executive Director of Penang Institute. His recent books include The Eurasian Core and its Edges: Dialogues with Wang Gungwu on the History of the World (ISEAS 2016). Homepage:
