Exploring New Territory at the 2023 George Town Literary Festival

By Samantha Khoo

August 2023 FEATURE
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THE GEORGE TOWN LITERARY FESTIVAL (GTLF) will be held this year from 23 to 26 November. A festival thoughtfully curated each time to bring book lovers together, it highlights a separate theme each year. This year’s is an adventurous one — “Terra Incognita” or “Lands Undiscovered” in Latin.During its inauguration in 2010, GTLF was merely a one-day gathering of five writers in a series of panel discussions. Today, it is a four-day affair, crowded with an impressive lineup of nearly...

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Samantha Khoo

A personal blogger since her teenage years, Samantha Khoo has always enjoyed stringing words together. Her dream is to live off-grid in a cottage with all the coffee, ink and paper she can have.
