7th Dr. Wu Lien-Teh Society Annual Public Lecture and Award Ceremony: Avoiding Human Extinction

By Fauwaz Abdul Aziz

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MOTHER EARTH HAS endlessly been warning us that human conduct and activities are causing severe harm to the planet. But we are driving our world towards nothing less than planetary collapse — the destruction of Earth’s intricately interdependent systems of air (atmosphere), water (hydrosphere), land (geosphere) and living organisms (biosphere). The choice humanity faces now could not be more urgent: either we nurse Earth back to planetary health, or we accelerate humanity’s extinction.Driving this message home, the recipient of the...

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Fauwaz Abdul Aziz

is a Projects Researcher at Penang Institute, and is currently completing his PhD dissertation in anthropology at the Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen–Nürnberg in Bayern, Germany.
