Growing a Nurturing Ecosystem for Penang’s Creative Economy

By Bernard Loke

April 2023 FEATURE
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THE EXPONENTIAL RISE of creative industries worldwide in recent years has seen them drive substantial economic growth, providing extensive employment opportunities across the entire value chain. In the UK, the creative industries constitute 12% of its entire service exports, valued at an astonishing GBP35.6bil.While we may not have enough data and studies to quantify Penang’s creative exports, we are making commendable progress, especially by becoming the first state in Malaysia to dedicate a portfolio to it in September 2020. Headed...

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Bernard Loke

recently ventured into the oil and gas industry after an eventful tenure as a Special Officer for government officials. With a forte in communications, he emcees, writes and is passionate about the creative economy and Taekwondo, earning his black belt at the tender age of 12.
