Using the Arts to Communicate Science

By Chee Su Yin, Mohd Alif Ikrami bin Mutti, Amanda Chong Kar Mun

April 2023 FEATURE
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SCIENTIFIC WRITING IS often so full of acronyms, jargons and language so specific that it is only comprehensible to a handful of experts and academicians in the field. As if that is not bad enough, authors also, more often than not, presume that readers already know what they mean and thus structure sentences in the most convoluted way imaginable. Many academic papers skip the process of defining basic terms and concepts, so much so that, at times, even their peers...

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Chee Su Yin

is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Global Sustainability Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, working on nature-based solutions and ecological engineering in marine built environments.

Mohd Alif Ikrami bin Mutti

is a lecturer at the School of the Arts, Universiti Sains Malaysia, specialising on product design.

Amanda Chong Kar Mun

is a MSc. student at the Centre for Global Sustainability Studies working on promoting biodiversity on coastal protection infrastructure.
