Kenduri in Kelantan: Collective Feasts to Commemorate Life's Many Events

By Izzuddin Ramli

December 2022 FEATURE
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Sembah guru ritual. Photo by: Muhammad Amirullah.
SINCE TIME IMMEMORIAL, human beings have felt the need to commemorate special occasions – be it as individuals or communities. We celebrate the universal experiences of love, joy, success, sacrifice, and mark occasions of pain, sadness and sorrow. It is one of the ways we instil meaning in our lives and preserve personal and collective memories.In Kelantanese Malay society, coming-of-age celebrations such as birthdays, the coronation of the Sultan, berkhatan (circumcision) or commemorating a guru in menamat (recitation of the...

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Izzuddin Ramli

edits Penang Institute’s Suara Nadi and finds himself speaking to writers, researchers, and cultural activists in Bual Nusantara, a podcast channel maintained by the Institute.
