The Astounding Pitcher Plants of Peninsular Malaysia

By Gideon Lim

November 2022 FEATURE
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Growing amongst the garden of jewels is Penang’s own hidden gem – the ruby red N. albomarginata – a unique pitcher plant that specialises in capturing termites! Pest control, anybody?
MALAYSIA IS A wonderland for botanists, naturalists and nature lovers. Blessed with some of the oldest tropical rainforests in the world, the Peninsula itself boasts a plethora of rare flora and fauna endemic to the country. And nowhere else is this abundance of biodiversity more apparent than in its array of tropical pitcher plants.Pitcher plants are known in Malay as “periuk kera” which translates to “monkey cup”. This could possibly be due to a belief that primates drink water from...

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Gideon Lim

is an agronomist and amateur conservationist involved in many projects linking plants and people together. He hopes to protect Malaysia’s natural heritage with the motto “Conservation. Cultivation. Community.”
