From a Fascination with Aeronautics to the Production of Lightweight Aluminium Boats

By Marcus Dip Silas

August 2022 FEATURE
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Boat built for Fish Farm.
AS A STUDENT, Derek Neoh was not keen on studying and homework. “But I had a strict father,” Neoh says, “and he always emphasised the importance of education.” Neoh’s father, seeing that his son was smart, told him to simply select a university anywhere and his education would be fully funded.So, Neoh looked to the States and applied for an engineering program at the University College of Los Angeles. “Getting to America was a dream of my youth and that...

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Marcus Dip Silas

is an interculturalist and the author of Founders' Grit, a compilation biography celebrating the accomplishments and achievements of Penang tech and manufacturing entrepreneurs.
