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- January 2016
- The Knowledge Economy is Penang’s Future

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Towards Healthier Rural Living, One Solar-powered Water Filtering System at a Time
4 min read
It began as a final year assignment for engineering student Ganesh Muren. He had to work on a project to showcase what he had learned during his years at Inti C...
Carolyn Hong
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Is the Malaysian Extreme Music Scene Stagnant or Subtly Evolving?
6 min read
Ferrarese.To South-East Asia’s metal punk zealots, especially in Malaysia and Indonesia, Marco Ferrarese is no stranger. Travel writer, metal punk r...
Mohd Izzuddin Ramli
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Penang Economic Outlook 2016
1 min read
Source: 2014 Petronas annual report and own calculations.Source: International Monetary Fund, 2015.Source: x-rates.com.Source: Labour force...
Baiting a Billion-Ringgit Aquaculture Industry
8 min read
Asia’s fisheries sector has been thriving since 1980, and the main source of growth has been aquaculture. Since the 1990s, the aquaculture sector has been...
Ong Wooi Leng
Preparing for Challenging Times Ahead
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The external macro environment for 2016 remains challenging for Malaysia. Being a small and open economy, Malaysia – and Penang along with it – is h...
Lim Kim-Hwa &
Tim Niklas Schoepp