Rising above the Constraining Environment for Data Journalism

By Khairil Yusof

July 2022 FEATURE
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Photo by: @mjessier / unsplash
THE MEDIA ENVIRONMENT in Malaysia is not conducive for data journalism. Limited accessible open data makes it challenging for Malaysian journalists to write data-driven or data-backed stories. The legal environment is clearly stifling; right to information laws limited to just the states of Selangor and Penang, the Official Secrets Act, and Penal Code 243(a), a vague law that puts government officials at risk of up to a million Ringgit fine and jail time for disclosing any form of public information.At...

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Khairil Yusof

is the Coordinator at Sinar Project and independent investigative journalist applying innovative methods of open data and standards. He has extensive cross-practice and cross-sector experience implementing programmes for UN agencies, governments and civil society in Asia-Pacific for civic tech, e-governance, knowledge management, and human rights.
