How to Strengthen Your Financial Health

By Xia Wa, Isaac Ooi

April 2022 FEATURE
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Disclaimer: This article is a discussion of good practices and not official advice by a financial advisor.“MONEY IS NOT about finances, it’s about emotions”[1], so says HuffPost. Indeed, navigating the myriad investment opportunities is exciting, but it can also be overwhelming.Author and finance expert Ramit Sethi explains, “Our psychology around money is usually connected to our early understanding of money. It stems from the families we grew up in, the media messages and culture surrounding us, our experiences of earning...

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Xia Wa

is passionate about stewarding resources well. She is an economist and also a lover of pineapple tarts.

Isaac Ooi

is a co-founder of an IT solution provider company, an online startup, and recently, a financial planner. He is passionate about anything techy and investible (legal ones only). He believes that not only should we work hard and smart, our money should also work for us 24x7!
