Multiple Survival Channels for Penang’s F&B Sector

By Lim Sok Swan

November 2021 FEATURE
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The existing brick-and-mortar business model of Penang's F&B industry folded during Covid.
THE MCO HAS taught Penang’s services industry many lessons, for example pursuing the plethora of available consumer channels, to onboarding digitally and quickly for survival. But with the existing business model in Penang’s F&B industry, food operators are also discovering these are much easier said than done. Most are tied to a contract for a set time period, not to mention the finances already funnelled into the remodelling of their business premises.Ong Seng Keat of Yin’s Sourdough Bakery tried, with...

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Lim Sok Swan

is currently focusing on heritage studies. She believes that more understanding among different groups and cultures can make Malaysia a better home for all.
