Introducing Culture Shot! Ethnically Diverse, Musically Intergrated

By Kelvyn Yeang

October 2021 FEATURE
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Staying together is much easier said than done. As Siva puts it, "More giving, less taking." Photo by: Yew Kok Hong
THERE IS SOMETHING inexplicable about Penang and its local communities that is conducive to the free-flow of distinctive artistic expressions. Culture Shot came onto the local music scene in 2014, grooving its way into festivals and even garnering global attention with their unique style and delivery.Culture Shot balks at what many mainstream labels and publishing companies are seeking: trendy, marketable songs that leave little to no room for creative musical exploration. Lucrative though this may be, “I could not reconcile...

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Kelvyn Yeang

Proficient in multiple creative disciplines, Kelvyn Yeang is a musician by night and media content creator by day. When he is not writing, designing, or creating, Kelvyn wanders the streets of George Town in search of a good story and a cup of coffee.
