CEMACS’ Coastal Cleanup Month Nets Cigarette Butts, Face Masks and Gloves

By Dr. Annette Jaya Ram, Dr. Abe Woo Sau Pinn, Coastal Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia

December 2020 VOICES OF USM
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Beach cleanup activity by staff and students of CEMACS.
TAKE A LONG leisurely walk along Penang’s beaches. What do you see? Iterations of clustered seashells dotting their lengths perhaps, but among them as well are pieces of plastic and trash. These are ubiquitous and contribute to a much larger problem: marine debris, or solid materials of human origin that are discarded at sea, or that reach the sea through waterways or as domestic and industrial outfalls1.Put plainly, marine debris poisons sea life, often through accidental ingestion of plastic pieces....

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Dr. Annette Jaya Ram

works on mariculture of mud crabs and mantis shrimps. She is identifying the best ways to culture them in order to reduce the harvesting of these organisms from the wild.

Dr. Abe Woo Sau Pinn

studies the biodiversity of marine invertebrates and their systematics. His research interests include ecology, diversity, systematics and taxonomy of echinoderms.

Coastal Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia
