Penang Must Save Her Seas

By Prof. Dato' Dr. Zulfigar Yasin, Assoc. Prof Dr. Anisah Lee Abdullah, Coastal Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Aileen Tan

November 2020 PENANG GREEN AGENDA 2030
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PENANG EXEMPLIFIES THE Malaysian image of a maritime nation. It is the product of a people whose communities were shaped by a shared culture and history that is deep in “sail and salt” – of trade and interactions through the seas.But a series of unfavorable episodes of fish kills, marine pollution, harmful algal blooms and the build-up of solid waste on our coasts in the last decade have jeopardised the well-being of our seas. In 2015 our waters were listed...

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Prof. Dato' Dr. Zulfigar Yasin

is a marine environmental scientist who is an Honourable Professor at Universiti Sains Malaysia and a visiting senior analyst at Penang Institute. His work now focuses on the sustainable development of the marine environment.

Assoc. Prof Dr. Anisah Lee Abdullah

Geography Section, School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Coastal Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia

Prof. Dato’ Dr. Aileen Tan

is the Director for the Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies, USM. Her experience on aquaculture helped develop several key national and international projects in this field.
