Penang’s Tourism Players Needing All the Resourcefulness They Can Muster

By Regina Hoo

September 2020 FEATURE
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The Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion at dusk. Photo: The Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion.
“PIVOT” is a fashionable term in tourism these days. It suggests a need for recalibration as local players scramble to appeal to a different market segment – this time to Malaysia’s domestic visitors.“Penang was built by merchants and entrepreneurs who’ve always found ways to survive and thrive under challenging circumstances. That creativity and resourcefulness should come in handy during this time,” says Yeoh Siew Hoon, the founder of Web in Travel, Asia’s leading digital travel media and events platform.Staycations are...

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Regina Hoo

is the deputy editor of Penang Monthly.
