Sepak Takraw, the Malay Heritage Sport, is Alive and Kicking

By Enzo Sim

April 2020 FEATURE
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ONE FINE AFTERNOON back in the mid-15th century Tun Besar, the son of Tun Perak, a prominent palace official at the Malacca Sultanate, was playing sepak takraw with a few friends when the rattan ball accidentally struck Raja Muhammad, the heir apparent of Sultan Mansur Shah, causing his royal headgear to be knocked off his head. A heated argument ensued and an infuriated Raja Muhammad swiftly drew his keris and stabbed Tun Besar to death. Angered, Tun Besar’s fellow kinsmen...

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Enzo Sim

is a Mass Communications graduate who has an unwavering passion towards international relations, history and regional affairs of Southeast Asia. His passion has brought him to different Southeast Asian capitals to explore the diverse cultural intricacies within the region.
