Retiring into an Active Cycling Life

By Enzo Sim

April 2020 FEATURE
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Cycling along the Victoria Bridge in Sauk.
JOSEPH TAN WAS an avid cyclist in his youth. But adulthood, abound with priorities and responsibilities, soon took over, and his passion was promptly forgotten. Fast-forward to age 55 and having entered semi-retirement, Tan resolved it was time he rekindled his love for the sport – a decision largely inspired by a chat with some friends. “One friend started talking about how he managed to get back into cycling after purchasing a foldable bicycle which could be easily fitted into...

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Enzo Sim

is a Mass Communications graduate who has an unwavering passion towards international relations, history and regional affairs of Southeast Asia. His passion has brought him to different Southeast Asian capitals to explore the diverse cultural intricacies within the region.
