Print Media: Too Cherished to Fade Away

By Enzo Sim

March 2020 FEATURE
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From left: Ooi Kee Beng, Goenawan Mohamad and Dhvani Solani during the panel discussion. Photo: GTLF.
IT IS A hotly debated subject: Does going digital spell the end of print media? Granted, the reading culture has gone through quite a technology shake-up, from the introduction of e-books to changing reading habits thanks to social media, not to mention a much shorter attention span. However, the rumours about the death of print media appear to have been highly exaggerated. The longing for sound analyses and comprehensive information still runs deep, and can be expected to continue growing....

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Enzo Sim

is a Mass Communications graduate who has an unwavering passion towards international relations, history and regional affairs of Southeast Asia. His passion has brought him to different Southeast Asian capitals to explore the diverse cultural intricacies within the region.
