Art That Found Immortality in 2016

By Ooi Kok Chuen

February 2017 PENANG PALETTE
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Images from the Great Leap Forward exhibition in KL.
Artists cannot live forever, but their works certainly can.Artists tend to be linked to two detreated myths: that they lead longer lives, and that their stature grows the longer they live. But death comes to all, with 2016 claiming many artists, including two notable Malaysians, Zakaria Awang (1954-January 29), and Penangborn Nirmala Dutt Shanmughalingam (1941-December 5).Zakaria Awang, Lambai II, 1985, Mixed media on plywood, 178cm x 128cm. Collection of UiTM.Zakaria was an art tutor and was in the team that...

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Ooi Kok Chuen

is an art-writer and journalist, and the author of MAHSURI: A Legend Reborn (Ooi Peeps Publishing), an adult contemporary fantasy “movel” (a novel conceived as a mock movie) spun from a local legend.
