Are Our Kids Alright? Youth Trends in Penang

By Enzo Sim

October 2019 COVER STORY
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Penang is home to 481,440 youths.1 It’s a demography with rapidly changing needs and wants. And with fast-evolving technology and the digitalization of our everyday lives, the speed and impact with which these changes occur will only increase. Penang Monthly takes a peek into this world with a survey that collects the thoughts and sentiments of 146 youths all around Penang.Some findings were rather surprising.Do We Know Each Other?According to most of the youths surveyed, yes, we do – on...

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Enzo Sim

is a Mass Communications graduate who has an unwavering passion towards international relations, history and regional affairs of Southeast Asia. His passion has brought him to different Southeast Asian capitals to explore the diverse cultural intricacies within the region.
