Celebrating Hari Raya as a Mualaf

By Emilia Ismail

June 2019 FEATURE
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Muhammad Shamel Mirza Lam Abdullah and his family.
Chinese-Muslim convert Muhammad Shamel Mirza Lam Abdullah shares how he celebrates Hari Raya Aidilfitri, and his deep-rooted love for his multiracial, multicultural, and multifaith family.Were Hari Raya celebrations something foreign to you before your conversion?Muhammad Shamel Mirza Lam Abdullah: No, they were not. I am from Pantai Jerejak, Penang, where one can find a healthy mix of different races. I had more Malay friends when I was growing up. The neighborhood boys and I would play in the playground every...

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Emilia Ismail

is a freelance writer who has a love-hate relationship with the weighing scale.
