Are We Happy with Our Buses or Are We Not?

By Ernest Mah Herh Sun

October 2018 COVER STORY
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Much has been said about how Penang’s public transport system can be improved. But what do people on the ground think?Public transportation in Penang dates back to the 1880s, when the first steam-powered tram, measuring 12.5km, ran from Weld Quay jetty to Air Itam Road, with a branch to the Botanic Gardens. Subsequent versions of tram transport, such as horse trams and electrical trams, firmly established Penang as a regional trendsetter for public transportation during that period. At the height...

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Ernest Mah Herh Sun

is currently pursuing his Master’s in English Language Studies at Universiti Malaya. A member of the varsity debating team, he loves singing, enjoys speaking and writing, and dreams of becoming the Malaysian Ryan Seacrest.
