Heng Ee: A School that Practises Inclusiveness

By Lim Sok Swan, Pan Yi Chieh

June 2018 FEATURE
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Rev. Father Arthur Julien's statue in the school campus.
Heng Ee owes its humble beginnings to the lifelong dedication of Rev. Father Arthur Julien. Born in Belgium in 1917, young Julien embarked on the road less taken after witnessing the hostility his father faced as a customs official.1He joined the Society of Foreign Missions of Paris (M.E.P.) upon completing high school to be trained as a missionary. During the turbulent years of the Second World War, Julien, at the young age of 27, became a priest.2Father Julien.After completing his...

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Lim Sok Swan

is currently focusing on heritage studies. She believes that more understanding among different groups and cultures can make Malaysia a better home for all.

Pan Yi Chieh

is a research analyst at Penang Institute who was born in Taiwan but now lives in Penang. She is proud to be nurtured by the two beautiful islands she regards as home.
