A Sky of Stars: Penang Shines as a Sporting State

By Sarah Yeoh, Nanda Lakhwani, Priscilla Prasanthi, Jeffrey Hardy Quah

April 2016 COVER STORY
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They might have a long way to go in the sports arena, but they are certainly giving their all.Mention squash and Datuk Nicol David comes to mind for most of us. The longest reigning world No. 1 (a whopping 108 consecutive months!) until September last year, since turning professional in 2000, Nicol shows no sign of slowing down.While her prowess as a squash player speaks for itself, it is her character that shines through: former Felda United player Ndumba Makache...

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Sarah Yeoh

is a student who enjoys winding down to a relaxing session of jazz and is a closet fan of Arsenal.

Nanda Lakhwani

is studying Media and International Relations at the University of New South Wales.

Priscilla Prasanthi

is a student currently doing her diploma in Mass Communication. She likes learning new things on a daily basis.

Jeffrey Hardy Quah

is a freelance writer and editor.
