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- November 2014
- An explosion of art shows

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Who says you can’t make videos in Penang?
4 min read
Entering the premises of local production house RisingOneMedia, I half-expected high-tech cameras lying scattered on the floor and an important creative discuss...
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A festival that is small, and therefore big
4 min read
As a holiday destination, Pangkor Island isn’t as well-known as Malaysia’s other islands in the north and east. And as a heritage and cultural site,...
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Local government in Malaysia: Types, functions, organisation, members and budget
4 min read
Figure 1: Types of local government in MalaysiaSource: Ministry of Housing and Local Government, 2014.The local government or local authority, or &ldq...
Who says you can’t make videos in Penang?
4 min read
Entering the premises of local production house RisingOneMedia, I half-expected high-tech cameras lying scattered on the floor and an important creative discuss...
An explosion of art shows
7 min read
The whole country is in Art-stasy with all the frenzied year-round celebrations of art festivals, expos/fairs, camps, art-auctions, expeditions, workshops, demo...