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Balik Pulau – Where Cottage Industries Still Survive
6 min read
Faridah’s Kuih BahuluCrispy on the outside and soft on the inside, kuih bahulu is a local favourite. The cake also plays a significant role in many cele...
Ooi Kok Hin
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Mahathir: “People Must Be Able to Hold Their Heads Up.”
11 min read
Ooi Kee Beng: Tun, your generation fascinates me. You are of the nation-building generation who dared to imagine that it would not only change the world, but co...
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Bull Market for South-East Asian Art
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When Indonesian artist and pioneer Raden Saleh sold Deer Hunt for SG$2.8mil in an auction in 1996, it changed the art landscape in Southeast Asia. It whet the w...
The 2008 Revolution Continues to Bear Unforeseen Fruits
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Mention cycling in KL and Jeffrey Lim’s name is bound to come up, sooner rather than later. This graphic designer and avid cyclist has become synonymous w...
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A Haunt in the Hills
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The hills of Penang are dotted with “haunted houses” – bungalows built as retreats from the heat of the lowlands in the days before air condit...
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