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- November 2021
- A Brief Explanation of Content and Algorithms on Social Media

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Growing Pains for Penang’s Gaming Industry
4 min read
WHEN MALAYSIA ANNOUNCED its first lockdown last March, gamers scrambled to purchase video game CDs and game consoles, with retailers like Game Tag and Impulse G...
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The Swelling World of the Influencer
3 min read
INFLUENCER CULTURE HAS become a major phenomenon. Scroll through your Instagram feed and most likely for every third photo you see, a “sponsored post” will appe...
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A New Generation of Women Artists Steps Up to the Palette
8 min read
TIME WAS WHEN women artists in Malaysia could be counted with the fingers. On one hand. Now, there is a plethora of women expanding the parameters in different...
Penang’s Gold and Jewellery Trade: A Generational Shift is at Hand
6 min read
THE SUDDEN MARCH rush to buy gold took even Penang’s seasoned jewellers and goldsmiths by surprise. A few timely factors had converged, such as the loosening of...
Anecdotal Accounts of Chinese Women Migrants to Southeast Asia
5 min read
In Penang Monthly’s Campbell Street-themed issue, we explored how the street gained infamy as a prostitution hub (see August 2021, A Red-light District Worthy o...
Dr. Kuah Li Feng